How do I access and complete an assignment or training plan on atDove?

1. After viewing the complete video, or reading the entire article you can proceed to complete your assignment

2. Below each video or article, locate the "Quizzes" section

3. Click the link titled 'Quiz -', as shown below which will take you to the quiz

Quiz Link - atDove

4. In order to complete your assignment, you must complete the associated quiz with a passing score. 


To access and complete Training Plan Assignments:

  1. Select the notification bell in the top right corner
  2. Choose 'View all notifications'
  3. Click on the link notating 'Enrolled in a new....' and select the green 'Start' button
  4. Select 'My Assignments' by clicking on the person icon in the top right corner
  5. Scroll down and locate the 'Training Plans' section of your 'My Assignments' page
  6. Click on the title of the assigned training plan
  7. Select 'Start'  to begin or 'Continued training' to continue working on the assignments within